RIC Structure

Dr. OR Chanmoly: Director of RIC
Dr. TAN Reasmey: Deputy-Director of RIC
Dr. YOS Phanny: Deputy-Director of RIC
Ms. LY Soda: Secretary of RIC
Head of Research Units
Dr. KRET Kakada: Energy Technology and Management (ETM)
Dr. PHAT Chanvorleak: Food Technology and Nutrition (FTN)
Dr. VALY Dona: Mechatronics and Information Technology (MIT)
Dr. DOUNG Piseth: Materials Science and Structure (MSS)
Dr. PENG Chanthol: Water and Environment (WAE)
Knowledge Transfer and Training
Head of each research unit is in charge of knowledge transfer and training in their relevant fields.
Head of each research unit is in charge of knowledge transfer and training in their relevant fields.
Techno-Science Research Journal
Dr. HOUNG Peany: In charge of Communications (Facebook page, Journal publication…)
Dr. HOUNG Peany: In charge of Communications (Facebook page, Journal publication…)
Dr. BOEUT Sophea: Associate editor